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The statements regarding the author, the attribution, the origin, the period, the provenance and the conditions of the lots in the catalog are to be considered as a personal opinion of the experts and scholars possibly consulted and not a fact.

Artist name: the work, in our opinion, is the work of the artist.

Attributed to (artist name): the work, in our opinion, is probably the work of the artist, but there is no certainty.

Workshop of (artist name): the work, in our opinion, is by an unknown painter from the artist's workshop, who may or may not have made it under the artist's supervision.

Circle of (artist name): the work, in our opinion, is by an unknown but distinguishable painter, linked to the aforementioned artist, but not necessarily by a student relationship.

Style of/follower of (artist name): the work, in our opinion, is by a painter, contemporary or almost contemporary to the artist, who works in the style of the artist, without necessarily being linked to him by a student relationship.

Manner of (artist name): the work, in our opinion, was done in the style of the artist, but at a later time.

From (artist name): the work, in our opinion, is a copy of one of the artist's paintings.

Of ... line: the work, in our opinion, is in the style mentioned, but from a later period.

Signed-dated-inscribed: in our opinion, the signature and/or date and/or inscription are by the artist's hand.

Bearing signature-date-inscription: in our opinion, the signature and/or date and/or inscription have been added.

Dimensions: the dimensions refer first to the height and then to the width of the paintings, are expressed in centimeters and don't take the frame into account.

Ancient elements: the objects in question were subsequently assembled using elements or materials from previous eras.

Additions and/or replacements: wording reported only in cases where, in our opinion, interventions are to be considered far above the average, and such as to at least partially compromise the integrity of the lot.

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